Wednesday, August 02, 2023

RMC SA/NT joins forces with author Liz Harfull to launch book about women farmers.

"A Farming Life - Tales of resilience from inspiring rural women" is Liz Harfull's tenth book. It charts the lives of six female farmers. Four of them join us in conversation.

RMC Harfull launch 15

Farming is still dominated by blokes.

But wool producers Kelly Dowling and Ruth Robinson, dairy farmer Helen Clark and working dog breeder Nancy Withers all followed their hearts to become farmers.

In front of a packed-out Members Dining Room at the Adelaide Showground, they told RMC Vice President Prue Adams how optimistic they are about the future of farming.

There are even daughters and grand daughters poised to take over the family farm.

Matilda Bookshop at Stirling is selling Liz Harfull's latest book "A Farming Life - Tales of resilience from inspiring rural women".

CLICK HERE to see photos from this special event.