You're invited to attend the 2023 RMC SA/NT AGM

Please join us at the AGM to elect the next RMC SA/NT Committee.
Nominations have now CLOSED for this year, however elections will be held on the night for the following positions:
President | Vice President | Secretary | Treasurer | Committee Members
WHEN: Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 6.30pm.
WHERE: The Board Room of the RA & HS Society of SA Administration Centre, Adelaide Showground, Wayville.
If you have an item for General Business to add to the AGM Agenda (or have any queries) please provide details to the RMC Committee by Friday 11th August, by emailing
**Please note that you must confirm you are a current financial member of Rural Media and Communicators SA/NT to vote at the AGM (ie. have paid membership for 1/7/23 - 30/6/24)**
CLICK HERE to join or renew your membership.
RSVPs for the AGM close Friday 11th August 2023.
Nibbles and drinks will be provided and we look forward to seeing you on the night!
Rural Media & Communicators 2023 AGM
Date / time
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 AT 09:00 am
6pm for 6.30pm
Board Room (1st Floor) of the RA & HS Society of SA Administration Centre – Adelaide Showground, Wayville.
RMC Committee