Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Book presentation at RMSA Luncheon commemorates historic link (April 2014)
A presentation made at the recent Rural Media SA luncheon commemorated the historic link between the RA&HS and Roseworthy Agricultural College.
A leather bound collectors’ edition of the RA&HS 175th Anniversary History Book, “Sharing the Good Earth; 175 Years of Influence and Vision” by noted author, Rob Linn was presented by the Roseworthy Old Collegians Association to the University of Adelaide.
President of the Roseworthy Old Collegians Association, David Spencer and RA&HS President, Richard Fewster jointly presented the book to Adelaide University Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard Russell AM.
Institutions such as Roseworthy Agricultural College and the Adelaide Botanic Gardens owe their existence to the persistence and early foresight of the RA&HS during the 1800’s. Since that time, the Society has provided ongoing scholarship support to Roseworthy students and agricultural endeavour in other areas.
Recently, the RA&HS Education Foundation has linked up with RMSA to establish the Young Rural & Regional Journalist Professional Development Award for young regionally based rural journalists.
Roseworthy Old Collegians Association President, David Spencer; RA&HS President, Richard Fewster; Adelaide University Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard Russell AM
Book author, Rob Linn with RMSA President, Ian Doyle
“Sharing the Good Earth; 175 Years of Influence and Vision” author, Rob Linn