Friday, September 06, 2024
2024 RMC SA/NT Royal Show Breakfast - Celebrating 120 years of Stock Journal
A massive crowd gathered in the Members Dining Room at the Royal Adelaide Showgrounds to celebrate 120 years of SA's premier rural weekly.

The breakfast was a chance to celebrate 120 years of agriculture and the media.
A number of iconic Stock Journal alumni were in the room, with most guests either having worked at the paper or having appeared in its pages.
The main event, introduced by current Stock Journal editor Elizabeth Anderson, was a panel session facilitated by RMC SA/NT President Leigh Radford with former long-standing editor-in-chief Peter Brady, former livestock manager Ian Turner and former journalist Jessica Adamson.
All three guests shared stories and insights from their time at the paper, while a number of guests shared their own stories from the floor, including former journalist and editor and current Royal Adelaide Show CEO Will Rayner, former editor Sharon Watt and former markets analyst John Traeger.
It was a great opportunity for a behind-the-scenes peek into the Stocky, as well as some of the big changes that have occurred during its time, both in media and ag.