Tuesday, July 21, 2015

2015/2016 RMSA Committee Elected (July 2015)

2015/2016 RMSA Committee
(LtoR: Deanna Lush, Ian Turner, Karen Holthouse, Secretary Bob Snewin, Kate Bickford, IFAJ Rep Leigh Radford, Kay Matthias, Vice President Dale Manson, Miranda Kenny, President Ian Doyle)

The recent Rural Media South Australia AGM positions a very strong Committee to drive its new initiatives though the 2015/2016 year.

Joining the Committee for the first time is Editor of the Stock Journal, Miranda Kenny. President Ian Doyle once again is at the helm of the RMSA Committee for his 29th successive year in that position. To read Ian Doyle's President's Report for 2015, Click here.

With the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists' Conference scheduled for New Zealand later this year, RMSA is very pleased that Leigh Radford has agreed to continue his role of Australian representative on the IFAJ Committee.

Dale Manson steps up to the role of RMSA Vice President and continues as this state's representative on the Australian Council of Agricultural Journalists' Committee.